This Phra Kring Awalo is very beautiful condition. Made from sacred Silver material coated with Gold, Silver and Bronze with series number 131 at bottom. Made 599 units only and strongly blessed by LP Oun.Come with original temple box.
Effect: Bring Good Health and Good Luck, Smooth sailing in life, Overcome all obstacles in life, Wealth fetching, Good in business, Protection from harm and danger, good opportunity and successful in everything that you do.
Luang Phor Oun
Daeng,Wat Khao Ban Dai It,还有LP Tongsok, LP Chui等。但是这些都是上一代的大师。而这一代以谁为代表人物呢?
答案是:Luangpo Oun 以及不久前圆寂的LP Tad.
而现在要跟大家介绍的是:LP Oun, Wat Tan
LP Oun 生于1916年3月9日,是家中的长子。
出家后,随LP Piu 以及LP Tongsok学习各种法术与禅修。
影响LP Oun 最大的,是LP Tongsok。LP
据说连泰王也微服去拜访。请LP 纹身。当时LP也不以为意,不知道眼前这位就是皇上。事后,皇上才向LP表露身份。LP知道后,当场把纹身用的针折断,从此不再为其他人纹身了。因为,这针已为至尊的皇上
所用。由此可知,LP Tongsok的功力。
话说回来,LP Tongsok 愿意收LP Oun 为徒是因为他觉得LP
Un是个可造之材,为人也很好,加上跟Lp Piu也是好朋友,于是选好日子,叫LP Oun 到他的寺院,正式拜LP Tongsok为师。
LP Oun 生性慈祥,为人正直,持戒清净。
于是,LP Oun 就委派徒弟去那儿建寺院,学校等。目前有学生200余人。
A highly respected and revered guru
monk. Many people have related special occurrences whilst wearing amulets
consecrated by this master.
Amongst the most widely reported
experiences are successful business dealings and improvement in inter-personal
One of the most famous incidences
related to a man who was robbed and shot with a revolver. All the ammunition
pierced his outer garments but none penetrated his body. He was wearing an
amulet by Luang Phor Oun at the time to which he he attributed his lucky
Luang Phor Unn Sukakamo, officially
named “Prakru Vinai Vacharakit”, was born on March 9th, B.E. 2459, to the
family of Mr.Boon Inprom and Mrs.Lek Inprom. He was one of eight siblings.
His family lived in Nong Hintuang, a
village of Marbplakao Sub-district, Thayang , Petchburi Province, where he was
educated in both Thai and Khom (ancient Khmer) languages at Wat Saikhan. On
July 21st, B.E. 2479, aged 20 years he was ordained at Wat Tankong by Pra
Atikarn Chun, the abbot of Wat Marbplakao, Luang Phor Piu Dharmasiri, the abbot
of Wat Tarnkong, Phra Atikarn Khao, the abbot of Wat Injumpa, who acted as Phra
Upacha, Pra Karmavajacharn, and Pra Anusavanacharn respectively.
According to the Thai law, monks
must be ordained by the Phra Upacha (an authorized monk), joined by two
assistants namely Phra Karmavajacharn, and Phra Anusavanacharn.)
Luang Phor Un spent all his lifetime
studying religious sciences and magic, learning from some of the foremost
spiritual leaders of his generation.
1. Mr.Boon Inprom, his father, was
his first sacred teacher teaching him the science to create Petchmani or
Petchjinda, a kind of sacred powder that was often used in conjunction with
other powders. Such as jindamanee to create amulets.
Moreover the Petchmani sacred powder
was also thought to help cure various ailments and diseases. It is known that
during his Mr.Boon Inprom had helped many patients with this powder.
2. Luang Phor Piu Dharmasiri, the
abbot of Wat Tarnkong, one of the most sacred monks of Petchburi province,
famous for his higher level meditation, although he rarely made contact with
the world outside of the temple.
Most locals of the province,
particularly the elders, were impressed by his sacred power. Such was the case
of an 80 year-old man, who said that Luang Phor Piu possessed immense power and
that simply writing a sacred spell onto the forehead of a worshipper would
provide protection for eternity.
Also recorded is the case of a lucky
teenager, who came from a neighboring province to pay homage to Luang Phor Piu
who wrote a sacred spell onto his forehead. Months later that youth was
attacked by a gang using knives and wooden batons. He survived uninjured.
3. Luang Phor Tongsuk, the abbot of
Wat Tanodeluang, another specialist in high-level meditation science, including
“Kasin 10”. He was also famed for the creation of sacred powder that could
increase charm and attractiveness.
Kasin is a kind of sacred science
that assisted in the practice of meditation and particularly to increase the
resultant power. Kasin was divided into 10 sub disciplines including Techo
Kasin (or fire meditation), Wayo Kasin (wind-power meditation), etc.
Enquiries Please sms me 0196609998 or pm me.Thank You.
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